Global Privacy Certification Schemes

Global Privacy Certification Schemes

Applicable Certification Schemes

EU GDPR Controller | UK GDPR Controller | CCPA | LGPD | DPDPA | DIFC/Reg 10 | Bermuda | EU GDPR Process (Integrated) | UK GDPR Processor (Integrated) | EU GDPR Process (Standalone) | UK GDPR (Standalone)

Applicable Region(s)

EU | UK | California | Brazil | India | DIFC | Bermuda

Working consistently since August 2020, ForHumanity has developed a set of globally harmonized certification scheme covering local Data Privacy and Data Protection laws. Tailored to the specific and unique risks associated with AAA Systems, ForHumanity has submitted to European Data Authorities our Controller-only certification scheme. If approved, this first-of-its-kind scheme can be used by all pre-audit service providers and auditors to provide assurance to auditees that their AAA Systems meet the highest standards of data privacy and protection

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