can contain a broad range of applicable law such as the laws that govern an entity or organisation, that govern the rights and privileges of a Data Subject, that restrict the activities and behaviors of a Data Controller or Data Processor, or put positive obligations upon an entity Note: These include consideration for human rights, equalities and anti-discrimination law, access to goods and services (having due regard to who is included/excluded from such goods and services), Children’s law and laws with regard to the platform and/or laws with regard to the sector in and through which the AI (and data processing) is being provided, amongst other risks law, as it applies to Data Subjects, specific to the Jurisdiction of Data Subject being included in the data processing for the audit or certification.
Home » Relevant Legal Frameworks
Relevant Legal Frameworks
- A Primary Consideration
- AAA systems list
- Access Policy
- #Accountability
- Adult Visuals
- Adverse impact
- Affirmative Action
- Age-Appropriate
- Age-Appropriate Policy
- Algorithm List
- Algorithmic Risk Analysis
- Algorithmic Risk Assessment
- Algorithmic Risk Committee (ARC)
- Algorithmic Risk(s)
- Anti-passback
- Anti-tailgating
- Appropriate Policy Document
- AR/VR Identity Data
- Artificial Intelligence
- #Auditor
- Augmented Reality (AR)
- Authentic/ Authenticity
- Automatic Threat Recognition (ATR)
- Automation
- Autonomous System
- B-Corp
- Baseline Population Norm
- Bias
- Bias Remediation Policy
- Biometric Data
- Bullying
- Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
- #Carer
- Chief Data Officer
- Child-Friendly
- Child(ren)
- Children's Core Interests
- Child's Data Oversight Committee (CDOC)
- Code of Data Ethics
- Code of Ethics
- Cognitive Bias
- Commissioning Documentation
- Commissioning Tests
- Component Risk
- Component Risk
- Concept Drift
- Conditioning
- Connected Toys and Devices
- Consent
- Consent Risk
- Consent UK GDPR
- #Context
- Contingency Plan
- Controller
- Data Class/(Data Classification)
- Data Control Committee (DCC)
- Data Control Policy
- Data Entry Point Attacks
- Data Ethics
- Data Flow Diagram
- Data Input Calibration
- Data Minimisation
- Data Poisoning
- Data Portability
- Data Protection Impact Assessment
- Data Protection Officer (DPO)
- Data Protection Policy
- Data Quality
- Data Security Policy
- Data Subject
- Data Subject Access Requests (DSAR)
- Data Transparency Document
- De-Anonymization
- Deletion
- Destruction
- Digital
- Disabled Person
- #Disaster Recovery
- Disparate Impact
- Diverse Inputs and Multi Stakeholder Feedback
- D&O
- Employment Impact Assessment
- Entry Breach Protocol
- Escorted
- Ethical Choice
- Ethics Committee
- Ethics Curriculum
- #Explainability
- Explainability plus
- External Contacts
- Fail Safe
- Fail Secure
- Field of Vision
- Genetic Data
- Geolocation
- Governance
- Guardian
- Hate Speech
- Human-in-the-loop
- Human-on-the-loop
- ICO’s Target Age Range Guide
- Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- Independent Governance
- Inference
- Information & Communication Technologies (ICT)
- Information Quality
- Intruder Detection
- Joint Risk Assessment
- Jurisdiction
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Key Words
- Membership Inference
- Min/Max Pair
- Minor
- Model Inversion
- #Natural Person
- #Nature
- Necessity Assessment
- Need to know basis
- Network Provider
- Non-Response Bias
- Nudging
- Online Service
- Opt-In
- Opt-In Diagram
- Opt Out or Opts-out
- #Parent
- Parental Controls
- Penetration Testing
- Personal Data
- Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
- Population Parameters
- Preferential Treatment
- Primary Consideration
- Privacy Policy
- Processing
- Processor
- Profiling
- Proportionality Study
- Protected Classes/Categories
- Protected Variables
- Proxy Variables
- Pseudonymisation
- Publicly
- #Purpose
- Recommendation Systems
- Relevant Legal Frameworks
- Reliability
- #Restoration Prioritisation Plan
- #Scope
- Security Clearance
- Security Policy
- Sensitive Personal Data
- Service Provider
- Social Responsibility
- Special Category Data
- Specific Children's Risk
- Surveillance
- Sustainability
- #Sustantial Public Interest
- System Drawings
- #Tension and trade offs
- Testing Frequency
- Time zoning
- Toxic Combination
- Traceability
- Training Data
- Triple Bottom Line
- Underaged
- Validity
- Validity Test
- Verifiable Parental Consent
- Virtual Reality (VR)
- Welcome Package